Daisy Veitch, Ph.D.

Daisy is Chief Technical Office and Head of Anthropometry responsible for overseeing all aspects of planning and execution for research projects, as well as leading all anthropometry training for Anthrotech.  Daisy is a recognized global expert in applied Anthropometry with extensive knowledge and experience across fit of wearable items and body shape and size data. 

Prior to Anthrotech, Daisy spent 25 years as the criterion Anthropometrist for SHARP Dummies, an Australian company specializing in applied design and research.  She also worked with Flinders Medical Center to develop and refine 3d body scanning in support of advancing the understanding of anthropometry in medical design.  Daisy has highly developed fashion and design skills, working in Adelaide, Australia, and in Paris, France at the La Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne.  

As a recognized expert, Daisy was appointed as an International Judge for APDeC 2013 (Asia Pacific Design Challenge).  She is a founding member of World Engineering Anthropometry Resources (WEAR) where she has been the Acting Treasurer since 2020 and the Secretary General since 2007.  Daisy is also a past winner of the Australian Wool Corporation Young Designer Award and Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Award for Young Australians. 

Daisy received her Ph.D. from TU Delft (Industrial Design Engineering with a specialization in Medisign).  She is also a well-published researcher contributing to the knowledge base of applied anthropometry with her work cited in more than 48 publications.

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